The interpreter translates the speech simultaneously by whispering into the ears of his/her audience (3-4 people max.).
What is whispered interpreting or chuchotage?
Whispered interpreting, or chuchotage, is a form of simultaneous interpreting, during which the interpreter translates the original speech by whispering in the ears of their listener(s), usually no more than four people.
When do we use whispered interpreting and what are its advantages?
This technique is often used during public and private events, TV shows, conferences or debates where only one person or a very small group of listeners who do not know the speaker’s language are present.
How does it work for the interpreter?
Since this technique implies a high cognitive and vocal effort, also considering the absence of a soundproof booth, one interpreter alone can translate in chuchotage for a maximum of two hours.
* For events longer than two hours, the presence of two interpreters may be required.